Deskew Gig Performer Unlocked v4.5.8 WiN-SEnki现场直播多路接入软件支持ASIO以及VST效果器 暂无演示
Deskew Gig Performer Unlocked v4.5.8 WiN-SEnki现场直播多路接入软件支持ASIO以及VST效果器手机扫码预览

Deskew Gig Performer Unlocked v4.5.8 WiN-SEnki现场直播多路接入软件支持ASIO以及VST效果器

¥13.88 佩币
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  • Deskew Gig Performer Unlocked v4.5.8 WiN-SEnki现场直播多路接入软件支持ASIO以及VST效果器插图

    无论你是吉他手、键盘手,甚至是精通音效的鼓手或歌手,Gig Performer 4都是你在现场表演环境中使用最喜欢的软件乐器、amp模拟器和插件的门户。

    Whether you’re a guitarist, keyboardist, or even an effects-savvy drummer or vocalist, Gig Performer 4 is your gateway to using your favorite software instruments, amp simulators and plugins in a live performance setting.

    The ultimate musical companion for live performance and rehearsals


    Gig Performer is the only cross-platform solution for storing your studio sounds and using them as seamlessly for playing live as you do in the studio. With Gig Performer 4, you can build your ideal keyboard and guitar chains with your favorite world-class plugins and take them anywhere.

    Gig Performer是唯一的跨平台解决方案,用于存储录音室声音,并像在录音室中一样无缝地使用它们进行现场播放。有了Gig Performer 4,你可以用最喜欢的世界级插件构建理想的键盘和吉他链,并将其带到任何地方。

    Updated with extensive new features


    With the Version 4 update, Gig Performer’s user interface gets a facelift, with new widgets, drum pads, a sustain pedal, optimized performance for touch screens, and much more. The new Global rackspace allows you to share your most used effects globally across all your rackspaces just like you can in your DAW—but even more intuitively.

    随着版本4的更新,Gig Performer的用户界面得到了更新,有了新的小部件、鼓垫、支撑踏板、优化的触摸屏性能等等。新的全局机架空间允许您在所有机架空间中全局共享最常用的效果,就像在DAW中一样,但更直观。

    No more confusing busses, sends, auxes or inserts


    Experience a step up from traditional channel-strip approaches. Using the front and back panel views, simply connect plugins to each other any way you want, then custom-design your own Panels to control each Rackspace. You can then design a number of Variations, which allow multiple presets for a single Rackspace, and switch between them instantly from song to song or section to section.


    Intuitive routing and rock solid performance


    GP4’s routing screen allows you to easily drop in software objects, from virtual instruments to effects, to MIDI devices and audio interfaces, quickly and easily making connections between them. The Predictive loading feature lets you intelligently load parts of your show, significantly reducing both your RAM and CPU usage so you can perform confidently even with a crusty old laptop.


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    4: 在线一对一插件/机架/声卡跳线教学(50元起)。
    5: 声卡效果调试,一对一根据人声声线精调,精调效果永久免费维护。不满意全额退款
    注:免费维护,不再动效果。重装系统还原,修改效果参数,添加插件收费。一对一精调效果: 点击试听。
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    佩斯资源网 » Deskew Gig Performer Unlocked v4.5.8 WiN-SEnki现场直播多路接入软件支持ASIO以及VST效果器

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