ToneLib TubeWarmth v1.0高精度电子管温暖效果器插件WiN/macOS双版本 暂无演示
ToneLib TubeWarmth v1.0高精度电子管温暖效果器插件WiN/macOS双版本手机扫码预览

ToneLib TubeWarmth v1.0高精度电子管温暖效果器插件WiN/macOS双版本

¥10 佩币
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    ToneLib TubeWarmth v1.0高精度电子管温暖效果器插件WiN/macOS双版本插图





    At the heart of this effect is the desire to achieve a tube sound, with all its inherent roughness and vividness, from a dry digital signal. TL TubeWarmth adds even-numbered harmonies to the input signal, which contributes to expanding the tone of the instrument, giving it new colors and depth. The gentle tube overdrive further reveals new edges to the sound, emphasizing the new texture of the tone. This seemingly simple effect can be a great addition to any musician’s palette.


    这种效果的核心是希望从干燥的数字信号中获得具有所有固有粗糙度和生动性的管状声音。TL Tubewarm为输入信号添加偶数和声,这有助于扩大乐器的音调,赋予它新的颜色和深度。柔和的tube overdrive进一步揭示了声音的新边缘,强调了音调的新纹理。这种看似简单的效果可以为任何音乐家的调色板增添一份精彩。


    The main aim of TubeWarmth is to bring the cold and precise digital sound closer to the warm and vivid sound of the tube. Simple in its conception, this effect provides two features. One of the features is a light, warm overdrive of the input signal based on a tube model. The other feature is adding even harmonics when processing the input signal. This provides a deeper signal at the output, while adding the vibrant texture to the sound for which many guitarists still prefer tube effects.




    Frequency spectrum display feature will allow you to track in detail the changes made when working with the plugin. Real-time visualization of the input and output signals allows you to track exactly what changes you have made when adjusting a particular parameter. This feature makes working with sound as visual as possible, and it becomes clear exactly what a particular parameter is doing on the frequency range.




    No DAW Required




    Despite the fact that TL TubeWarmth is designed specifically for plugin format for using in a DAW, the Standalone version of the effect also is included. If you just want to plug in your guitar and jam, TubeWarmth Standalone is perfect for you!


    尽管TL Tubewarm是专为DAW中使用的插件格式而设计的,但该效果的独立版本也包括在内。如果你只想插上吉他和果酱,Tubewarm Standalone非常适合你!


    System Requirements




    TL TubeWarmth comes in 64-bit VST / VST3 / AU / Standalone.


    TL Tubewarm有64位VST/VST3/AU/Standalone。


    Latest OS Compatibility for Windows & Mac.




    Experimental native support for Ubuntu 16.04 or later.


    对Ubuntu 16.04或更高版本的实验性本机支持。

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    5: 声卡效果调试,一对一根据人声声线精调,精调效果永久免费维护。不满意全额退款
    注:免费维护,不再动效果。重装系统还原,修改效果参数,添加插件收费。一对一精调效果: 点击试听。
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    佩斯资源网 » ToneLib TubeWarmth v1.0高精度电子管温暖效果器插件WiN/macOS双版本

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