多方位压缩器 Anarchy Audioworx Anarchy Comp 1.0.0 PC win AU低CPU占有率低/附带激活码 暂无演示
多方位压缩器 Anarchy Audioworx Anarchy Comp 1.0.0 PC win AU低CPU占有率低/附带激活码手机扫码预览

多方位压缩器 Anarchy Audioworx Anarchy Comp 1.0.0 PC win AU低CPU占有率低/附带激活码

¥10 佩币
  • VIP用户购买价格 : 10佩币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :10佩币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • 多方位压缩器 Anarchy Audioworx Anarchy Comp 1.0.0 PC win AU低CPU占有率低/附带激活码插图

    多方位压缩器 Anarchy Audioworx Anarchy Comp 1.0.0 PC win AU低CPU占有率低/附带激活码插图2

    多方位压缩器 Anarchy Audioworx Anarchy Comp 1.0.0 PC win AU低CPU占有率低/附带激活码插图4


    适用于 Mac 和 PC 的 VST 和 AU 插件
    无政府状态比较是一个多才多艺的压缩机 小号uitable对任何一种声音的使用,混合总线或主总线。 
    其55 个预设强大的库具有在任何情况下控制声音所需的完美起点。    
    除了常规压缩的所有功能外,凭借其 2 个专用的干湿控制,它还可以用作并行压缩器。  
    借助内置屏幕,您可以 在 调整时通过比较干信号和处理信号的实时动画波形来实时处理声音的可视化表示,从而为您提供瞬态信息以及整体的准确反馈正在应用增益降低水平,使您比以往任何时候都更容易控制您的水平。
    VST & AU Plugin for Mac & PC
    Anarchy Comp is a versatile compressor suitable for use on any kind of sound, mix buss, or master buss.
    Its 55 preset strong library has the perfect starting points you need to get your sounds under control in any situation.
    As well as all the features of regular compression, with its 2 dedicated wet and dry controls, it can also be used as a parallel compressor. 
    It’s perfect for processing every kind of sound whether it be electronic, acoustic, or live recordings, and has solid presets for every instrument and scenario.
    Check out the full feature list and videos below.
    With the built in screens, you have visual representations of how your sound is getting processed in real time as you tweak by comparing the live animated waveforms for both the dry signal and processed signal giving you accurate feedback of the transient information as well as the overall level of gain reduction being applied making it easier than ever before to keep your levels in check.
    It’s built in saturator adds warm analog character and can also be used to tame harsh transients on snares, toms, or any thing else giving your mix punch and heaviness while still keeping it cohesive.

    It also has a low cut EQ for the wet signal which is perfect for using on overheads or room mics removing any low end mud from the mix.



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    3: 远程在线解决声卡各种问题排查/处理,各种声卡关联机架跳线,安装插件/机架/驱动,以及各种问题(20元起加一项加10元)QQ1943590279进行技术支持。
    4: 在线一对一插件/机架/声卡跳线教学(50元起)。
    5: 声卡效果调试,一对一根据人声声线精调,精调效果永久免费维护。不满意全额退款
    注:免费维护,不再动效果。重装系统还原,修改效果参数,添加插件收费。一对一精调效果: 点击试听。
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    佩斯资源网 » 多方位压缩器 Anarchy Audioworx Anarchy Comp 1.0.0 PC win AU低CPU占有率低/附带激活码

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