FLUX BitterSweet v3 v21.12.0.50123一键瞬态处理器进行音频瞬态管理 暂无演示
FLUX BitterSweet v3 v21.12.0.50123一键瞬态处理器进行音频瞬态管理手机扫码预览

FLUX BitterSweet v3 v21.12.0.50123一键瞬态处理器进行音频瞬态管理

¥8 佩币
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  • FLUX BitterSweet v3 v21.12.0.50123一键瞬态处理器进行音频瞬态管理插图

    苦乐参半v3是Flux::数十万用户使用备受赞誉的瞬态处理器进行音频瞬态管理,只需转动一个旋钮即可–将其旋转到甜的一面可以减少瞬态,将其旋转到苦的一面可以放大瞬态–无需加密狗或许可证激活–100%免费! BitterSweet v3 is Flux:: acclaimed transient processor used by hundreds of thousands of users for audio transient management with the simple turn of a knob – Turning it to the Sweet side reduces the transients, and turning it to the Bitter side magnifies the transients – No dongle or license activation required – 100% Freeware! All Features 所有功能 ->Up to 8 channels Input/Output ->最多8个通道输入/输出 ->Output Gain ->输出增益 ->Controls the Output Gain at the end of the processing (-/+ 12 dB). ->控制处理结束时的输出增益(-/+12 dB)。 ->Link to Output Gain – Compensates the Output Gain depending on the Transient Amount in order to achieve unity gain. ->连接到输出增益–根据瞬态量补偿输出增益,以实现单位增益。 ->True bypass control routing the incoming signal direct to the output for a smooth transition between clean and processed signal ->真正的旁路控制将输入信号直接路由到输出,以便在清洁和处理后的信号之间实现平稳过渡 ->Transient Amount – Adjusting the Bitter/Sweet setting for decreasing or increasing the transients. ->瞬态量–调整苦/甜设置以减少或增加瞬态。 ->Transient Integration – Provides three different modes of transient processing; Fast, Medium and Slow ->瞬态集成–提供三种不同的瞬态处理模式;快、中、慢 ->Period – For setting the range of the time window used to detect the transients that will be processed. ->周期–用于设置用于检测将要处理的瞬态的时间窗口范围。 ->Three different Operation Modes (Main, Center, Stereo) offering versatile transient processing. ->三种不同的操作模式(主、中、立体声)提供多种瞬态处理。 ->Open Sound Control Support ->开放式声控支持 As simple as just turning a knob 只需转动旋钮即可 Turning the knob to Sweet side reduces the transients which commonly decreases any transient-rich percussive sounds in the mix, and turning the knob to the Bitter side magnifies the transients which commonly increases any transient-rich percussive sounds in the mix. 将旋钮转到甜侧可减少瞬变,这通常会减少混音中的任何瞬变丰富打击声,而将旋钮转到苦侧则会放大瞬变,这通常会增加混音中的任何瞬变丰富打击声。 Multiband Features 多波段功能 Using a built in M/S Encoder/Decoder the Mid (Center) or the Side (Stereo) parts of the sound can be processed independ

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    佩斯资源网 » FLUX BitterSweet v3 v21.12.0.50123一键瞬态处理器进行音频瞬态管理

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