FLUX StereoTool v3 v21.12.0.50123完整的立体成像和分析工具 VST AU AAX 暂无演示
FLUX StereoTool v3 v21.12.0.50123完整的立体成像和分析工具 VST AU AAX手机扫码预览

FLUX StereoTool v3 v21.12.0.50123完整的立体成像和分析工具 VST AU AAX

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    FLUX StereoTool v3 v21.12.0.50123完整的立体成像和分析工具 VST AU AAX插图

    StereoTool offers ultra-precise control of input gain and individual pan for left and right channels, accurate visual feedback reflecting the signal content with; a vector scope, PPM meters for inputs/outputs, phase correlation meter permanently monitoring the signal and individual left and right polarity reversal – No dongle or license activation required – 100% Freeware!

    All Features


    ->Input Gain controls for adjusting the level for left and right channels before processing


    ->Phase inversion of the incoming signal on left and right channels


    ->Individual panning control for left and right channels


    ->Vector Scope Display providing accurate visual feedback reflecting the signal stereo image content graphically.


    ->Global Stereo Width and Pan settings providing precise management of the stereo signal.


    ->PPM meters for both input and output gain


    ->Phase correlation meter permanently monitor the signal.


    ->Open Sound Control Support


    Preset and Parameter Handling


    ->Preset/Parameter slots


    ->To enhance the workflow the two Preset/Parameter slots, A and B, can be loaded with two full set of parameters at the same time. Apart from saving each preset, a “Global Preset” containing both the A and B settings, and the position of the “Morphing Slider”, can be saved.


    ->Parameter Morphing Slider with Automation


    ->The Morphing Slider provides morphing between the parameter settings of slot A/B allowing for really creative and useful real-time tweaking. Enabling the Automation control button exposes the Morphing Slider to the host automation.


    Phase Integrity Control


    The Vector Scope instantly reveals the phase integrity of your mix, when out of phase the information on the meter is lying horizontal. With StereoTool this can be fixed with a simple click on the left or right phase polarity switch to flip and reverse one of the channels you’re back in phase again!


    Dual Preset Slots and Parameter Morphing

    The built in preset manager and the preset morphing slider, provides instant and intuitive control of all parameters and controls. In a second, with a simple one-click operation, everything is copied from one of the two preset slots to the other, even during playback.


    The two Preset/Parameter slots, A and B, can be loaded with two full set of parameters at the same time, and except for only A/B comparing two sets of parameters, the morphing slider will allow to mix them, and to record the morph with the host automation.


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    注:免费维护,不再动效果。重装系统还原,修改效果参数,添加插件收费。一对一精调效果: 点击试听。
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    佩斯资源网 » FLUX StereoTool v3 v21.12.0.50123完整的立体成像和分析工具 VST AU AAX

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