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最新均衡效果器插件 | 人工智能均衡器 Sonible smartEQ3 v1.0 | PC版手机扫码预览

最新均衡效果器插件 | 人工智能均衡器 Sonible smartEQ3 v1.0 | PC版

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  • 最新均衡效果器插件 | 人工智能均衡器 Sonible smartEQ3 v1.0 | PC版插图
    聪明:情商 3
    smart:EQ 3 增强了单个轨道和最多六个通道的安排的细节、清晰度和透明度。在几秒钟内在您的声音中建立频谱平衡。
    使用 smart:EQ 3 在几秒钟内实现频谱平衡 – 无论您是在处理单轨还是混音。AI 驱动的均衡器将清除令人不快的共振和不需要的凹口,让您获得均衡的声音 – 因此是采取进一步创造性步骤的理想基础。
    用 smart:EQ 3 组队你的聪明
    根据您的喜好调整 smart:EQ 3 的 AI 驱动处理的影响:在 EQ 视图中,您可以选择应该受到影响的频率范围,更改计算的 smart:filter 的绿色加权曲线的形状并定义持续时间的学习过程。在组视图中,您可以控制智能跨通道处理对曲目的影响程度。您可以拥有一切:享受智能算法令人难以置信的能力并保持控制
    与 smart:EQ 3 保持同步
    我们设计了 smart:EQ 3 直观、时尚的界面和以用户为中心的功能,让每一个动作都有意义:通过利用过滤器小部件有效地调整您的音频素材,通过在组视图中拖放您的曲目来创建声音层次结构,并选择您希望使用综合分析仪同时监听混音中的哪些音轨。还有更多 – 探索 smart:EQ 3 提供的所有功能。
    最新均衡效果器插件 | 人工智能均衡器 Sonible smartEQ3 v1.0 | PC版插图2
    smart:EQ 3
    smart:EQ 3 enhances detail, clarity and transparency in single tracks and in arrangements of up to six channels. Establish spectral balance in your sound within a few seconds.
    World’s 1st intelligent multitrack EQ
    High-resolution precision at the push of a button
    Give your creation a sound balance
    Achieve spectral balance with smart:EQ 3 within seconds – whether you are working on a single track or a mix. The AI-powered equalizer will clean-up unpleasant resonances and unwanted notches, leaving you with a well-balanced sound – and therefore an ideal basis to take further creative steps.
    Spectral mixing via drag & drop
    Make your mix incredibly smooth
    Intelligent cross-channel processing will aid you in your quest to create a transparent arrangement of up to six channels in which each track plays exactly the role you want it to.
    By analyzing the spectral information of all the channels you’ve added to your group, the algorithms make sure that each track gets its assigned space within your mix. You just have to determine the sonic hierarchy according to your vision. It’s as simple as that.
    Newly designed profiles, splittable smart:filter, …
    Team up your smartness with smart:EQ 3
    Adapt the impact of the A.I. powered processing of smart:EQ 3 to your liking: In EQ view, you can select the frequency ranges which should be affected, change the shape of the green weighting curve of the computed smart:filter and define the duration of the learning process. In group view, you can control the level of impact the intelligent cross-channel processing has on your tracks. You can have it all: Enjoy the incredible abilities of the smart algorithms and stay in control.
    Filter widgets, spectral mixing via drag & drop, multi-channel analyzer
    Stay in the flow with smart:EQ 3
    We’ve designed smart:EQ 3’s intuitive, sleek interface and user-centered features to make every move count: Tweak your audio material efficiently by utilizing the filter widgets, create a sonic hierarchy by dragging and dropping your tracks in group view, and choose which tracks of your mix you want to monitor simultaneously with the comprehensive analyzer. And there is so much more – explore all that smart:EQ 3 has to offer.

    支持技术 服务范围 1: 本网站名称:佩斯资源网
    2: 本站永久网址:https://www.pstyw.com
    3: 远程在线解决声卡各种问题排查/处理,各种声卡关联机架跳线,安装插件/机架/驱动,以及各种问题(20元起加一项加10元)QQ1943590279进行技术支持。
    4: 在线一对一插件/机架/声卡跳线教学(50元起)。
    5: 声卡效果调试,一对一根据人声声线精调,精调效果永久免费维护。不满意全额退款
    注:免费维护,不再动效果。重装系统还原,修改效果参数,添加插件收费。一对一精调效果: 点击试听。
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    佩斯资源网 » 最新均衡效果器插件 | 人工智能均衡器 Sonible smartEQ3 v1.0 | PC版

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